Join Us
New members are always welcome at Ickenham. Whether you want to play Senior, Women's or Junior cricket, or perhaps just want to join in with the social life, there is something to be of interest at the Club.
Note that membership rates quoted below apply to the full calendar year of 2025. Membership fees are set each year at the Annual General Meeting.
Joining Members
For all Juniors, including Foundation, the parent/guardian should register at initial sign up via the Junior Membership form.
Any senior players should register via the playing member form.
There method of payment is to pay directly the club's bank details which can be found below:
Account No: 23404579
Sort Code: 20-89-16
No payment is due before 1st January each year
Any questions please email or
Senior Players
Each year we welcome new senior players who represent us in one of our five Saturday and/or two Sunday teams.
If you are thinking of joining as a senior player then we suggest you have an introductory discussion with the Scott Wilsher, Cricket Chairman, whose contact details can be found on the list of committee members. You can complete the playing member form here.
Senior Playing Membership is open to anyone without discrimination.
Student Players
This class of membership is open to all those members who wish to play cricket on a regular basis, and who are beyond junior age cricket and in full-time education and/or on an approved training scheme.
Please do speak to the Scott Wilsher, Cricket Chairman, before applying - his details can be found on the list of committee members.
You can complete the playing member form here.
Women Players
Ickenham Cricket Club has an active women's section. Whether you want to get involved seriously or recreationally with friends, you are most welcome here at IWCC.
To join as a female player, we suggest you have an introductory discussion with Sherisa Gumbs, the Women's club captain whose details can be found on the women's cricket page. You can complete the playing member form here.
Junior Membership
This is for our younger members who are in school years anything up to school year 12 and want to get involved in cricket.
All parents and guardians are welcome to use the clubhouse facilities as guests.
Please read the Junior section of this website to see how to join our Junior section or contact the Junior Secretary. You can complete the playing member form here.
Social Membership
Applicable to those who wish to use the club's non-cricketing facilities.
To join please complete the form here and contact the Membership Secretary.
Non-Playing Membership
This class of membership is open to existing members who have been members for the previous three years.
Non-playing members enjoy the same benefits as social members, plus their long term relationship with the Club entitles them to vote on Club business at general meetings.
To join please contact the Membership Secretary.
All grades of membership provide the entitlement to use the club's bar whenever it is open for business.
The Club's membership year runs from January to December. Members are reminded about Club Rule 11 which states:Any member failing to pay their subscription by 1 June shall not be eligible for selection to play in any cricket match until their subscription is paid in full. Any member who has not paid their subscription, in full, before 31 July shall cease to be a member of the Club.
For more details about Club membership contact Membership Secretary.